Let’s consider a situation that many of us can relate to. You’re at work, and you notice an employee on their phone. Your initial reaction might be reprimanding them, but what if the call is from a family member informing you of a loved one’s passing? This is a classic example of messy leadership. Was it the employee’s fault for being on their phone, or did the leader’s lack of communication lead to the situation?

Leadership isn’t always black and white. Every decision carries potential consequences, and not everyone will agree with your choices. Timing also plays a crucial role. Acting hastily could lead to pushback while delaying action could give the opposition time to grow.

To illustrate this, let’s revisit a personal anecdote. My wife and I were planning a trip to Europe for our anniversary. We were torn between Italy, Germany, Greece, Spain, and Scotland. I chose Scotland, believing it to be Europe’s most beautiful and calm place. However, I made a grave error: I didn’t check the validity of my passport.

As our departure date neared, my wife called to inform me that my passport was about to expire. I tried to assure her I would get a new one, but she was adamant that it wouldn’t arrive in time. The result was a canceled trip, and I lost the money I had paid upfront for the flights and hotel. The mistake was mine, and the consequences were severe.

This incident made me realize the importance of effective communication and attention to detail in leadership. These qualities apply not just in professional settings but also in personal relationships.

After this incident, I observed and evaluated leaders in action, particularly those who exhibited messy leadership. I identified six common characteristics of such leaders:

  1. Lack of credit for employees’ work
  2. Lack of trust in employees
  3. Overworking employees
  4. Blaming employees in disputes
  5. Micromanagement
  6. Focusing on employees’ weaknesses over their strengths

Each of these characteristics can lead to a toxic work environment and decreased productivity. By contrast, focusing on employees’ strengths can lead to a positive and productive work environment.

In conclusion, while leadership isn’t always straightforward, it’s crucial to avoid the pitfalls of messy leadership. By prioritizing communication, trust, and recognition, leaders can foster a positive and productive work environment. Remember, leadership is not just about giving orders; it’s about inspiring and encouraging others to reach their full potential.”

Some of you may be SHOCKED with this information. If so, then you are a MESSY leader. It’s ok, chill out. Because now you have the information and opportunity to become a SUCCESSFUL LEADER!

If you are struggling with this article, GET OVER IT! YESTERDAY ENDED LAST NIGHT; move forward, making sure you are a successful MESSY leader by ensuring you treat your employees in a very positive, influential way.

Denis is an Executive Director for the John Maxwell Group and is a certified leadership coach, trainer, keynote speaker, and DISC Behaviorial Consultant. Denis is a senior safety professional and a strong, passionate influential person. He is committed to teaching and communicating practical and relevant influencing techniques.  His unique, passionate, and emotionally driven style resonates with many, creating a desire to become an effective leader. 

You can contact Denis at for information on coaching, leadership, team and culture training, DISC Behavioral consulting, or to be an inspirational speaker at your next event.


10 Principles to Becoming a Better Communicator

“In many ways, effective communication begins with mutual respect, communication that inspires, encourages others to do thier best.” – Zig Zigler

The way we interact with people impacts the results we achieve. This is a lesson I’ve learned from my own experiences. It’s an area I’ve been working hard on.

When I think about influence, I imagine the initial interaction, the subsequent communication, and the outcome. Over time, I’ve realized that influential people and those with excellent interpersonal skills can quickly adjust their approach to suit the situation, leading to practical outcomes.

To become an influential leader, you must learn to anticipate people’s reactions and use the right tone and inflection to motivate them to respond appropriately. Remember, leadership is all about influence.

So, we must develop a communication style that drives influence.

We all communicate, right? But what does it mean to communicate effectively? It’s more than just talking. It’s about connecting.

In his book Everyone Communicates, But Few Connect, John Maxwell emphasizes that communication goes beyond words. A study by UCLA Professor Albert Mehrabian found that face-to-face communication consists of three key components: words, tone of voice, and body language.

To become an effective communicator, you must maximize the use of these three components. Adhering to these leads to positive interaction and a more remarkable ability to influence.

How can you become a better communicator and an influential leader? Here are ten principles to help you improve:

  1. KNOW AND UNDERSTAND YOUR AUDIENCE. Effective leaders understand that they are responsible for their reactions and strive to create a non-threatening atmosphere. They focus on the message they need to deliver and how to have it effectively.
  2. BODY LANGUAGE MATTERS. Great leaders pay attention to people’s reactions to their message. They are adept at recognizing changes in body language, including facial expressions and body stances.
  3. HONESTY IS THE KEY. Influential leaders are honest and factual in their communication. They don’t exaggerate or lie to make their point or look good to others. They value transparency and admit
  4. BE GUNUINE. Don’t try to be someone you’re not! People will see through it. Your position or prestige doesn’t change who you are. Stay true to yourself.
  5. SPEAK WITH CONFIDENCE. If you believe in something, say it with conviction! Don’t use words you don’t understand or can’t define. Influential leaders speak with authority, especially when discussing their expectations.
  6. TREAT GROUPS AS INDIVDUAL. Leaders often have to address groups. Influential leaders know how to make every individual feel special, as if they speak to them directly.
  7. LISTEN ACTIVELY. Great communicators listen to understand, not to respond. They focus on the speaker and absorb their message fully.
  8. SPEAK CLEARLY AND CONCISELY. Avoid unnecessary jargon and keep your message simple.
  9. SHOW EMPATHY. Understand and share the feelings of others. This shows that you care and build trust.
  10. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. Effective communication takes practice, like any skill. Keep refining your style and improving your skills.

By following these principles, you can become a better communicator and, ultimately, an influential leader.



I have had many conversations with workers who complained about their supervisors, managers, and even high-level leaders about the lack of and the gaps in their leadership. If a worker complains about the lack of leadership, then it becomes a perception that it is TRUTH. I intend to provide realistic information on why leaders don’t focus on themselves but on how to focus on themselves.

I have witnessed this a lot lately. I have experienced and interacted with many low-based leaders in high-level positions in the last few years. These people believe that they are leaders simply because of their jobs. With companies providing training and book discussions, they do not think they have to attend but force their team to follow.

Here is a good example: I recently conducted a leadership training class titled “How to Build an Effective Safety Culture.” This class was developed for all locational leaders to attend to create a strong safety culture. Most departmental managers and line supervisors participated in the course when the training began. However, what I noticed was that not all senior-level leaders participated. This was a large manufacturing site where the location had a President, Vice-President, and several Directors. NOT ONE person in these roles participated in the training! When I interacted with a senior-level person, I asked why they didn’t attend, and most of their comments were, “I was busy,” I don’t need that information.”, and “That is for our supervisors and managers; why would I need to attend that class?” I replied, “Hmmm, that provides me your leadership capability.”

Take Jim, a Director of Plant Operations at a large manufacturing facility, for an example. He was handpicked to lead the plant to create and support extensive changes to significantly increase the quality, lower the budget, and reduce injuries. His approach was to start holding people accountable. However, no leadership training or coaching was available for those promoted from production to leadership roles. People became frustrated and annoyed with Jim and began leaving and looking for other opportunities. When I asked him, “Why,” he said he didn’t feel we should develop leaders through training and coaching. “Because they got their role because they were good leaders.” Hmm, well, that is different from how it works.


Why do leaders fail so much these days? The problem is that it is easier to identify the faults and weaknesses of others without seeing your own, even when they are apparent. Here are four reasons Leaders fail.

They Lack Self-Leadership Qualities. They are poor self-leaders. They need self-awareness, motivation, empathy, and accountability to succeed at the executive level.

Confidence Turns to Arrogance. When a person is promoted or hired, they often want to prove they are strong leaders. Their pressure is real. Leaders must produce results. They forget that they are there to serve others. 

They Can’t Build a Team. One thing a leader must build is a high-performance team. Without a high-performing team, the leader will struggle. I often say, “You can’t be a successful leader if you can’t build a team.”

They Fail to Communicate Effectively. Leaders must communicate effectively. Why? Workers want to hear the truth, even if it is hard to hear. Leaders fail when they aren’t transparent and don’t share the “why.” Leaders must articulate the vision, set direction, and repeatedly share the message to maintain respect.

Leadership is a journey; your path will build your skills through experience, coaching, and mentoring. You improve by being self-aware, improving your communication styles, paying attention to details, and showing humility.


I’ll share this story with you because it illustrates this information.  

A group of suppliers was once given a tour of a mental hospital. One of the visitors in the group had made some very insensitive and insulting remarks about the patients.

After the tour, the visitors were introduced to and met with various members of the mental hospital staff in the cafeteria. The unkind visitor chatted with one of the security staff, Bill, a kind and wise ex-policeman.

“Are they all sick and crazy loonies in here then?” the insensitive and rude visitor asked.

“Only the ones who fail the test,” replied Bill.

“What is the test?” asked the man.

Bill replied, “Well, we show them a bath filled with water, a large bucket, a cup, and a spoon. We then ask them what the quickest way to empty the water in the bath would be.”

The man said, “Oh, I see… that is pretty simple – the ‘normal one’ knows it’s the bucket, right?”

“No, actually,” replied Bill. “The normal ones say pull out the plug. Should I see if there is a bed free for you?”

It is easy for leaders to get so caught up in seeing the weaknesses of others that they lose sight of their own development needs. However, before we look to develop others, it is wise to do our inventory. 

So, as you progress in your assessment to eliminate the four reasons leaders fail, assess your leadership style and capabilities and identify, “What personal leadership development gaps should you be filling?” Just remember, Leadership development is as much about you as it is about them!


I have been in the Safety Profession for many years. But when I was new in the profession, I focused more on people meeting my expectations, needs, and wants rather than me meeting their needs and wants. I focused on doing big things and getting ahead of EVERYONE! 

All my initial training and education focused on compliance. I was expected to walk the facility and identify compliance issues and look for people not following company policies. Back in my world, the model of leadership was all top-down. Sometimes I ended successfully, but most times, I was unsuccessful because my thoughts were based on the numbers and bonus. That wasn’t the successful method of being a safety professional.

When I started to research leadership and ultimately became a certified executive coach, trainer, and keynote speaker for the Maxwell Leadership Group, I ended up reading a quote by Zig Ziglar that says this, 

“If you help people get what they want, they will help you.”

He was talking about leaders serving others, which rocked my head! When I kept reading, the term “servant leadership” came up. I did not know what that meant. However, I figured it out as my wife, and I served in the children’s church. We were serving the children to understand the bible and how to live a successful life and help others to succeed. 

So, let’s get into the information about servant leadership. 

What is a Servant Leader?

I believe the best description and definition is how John Maxwell defined what a servant leader is.

A servant leader is someone “whose actions and motivations reflect a selfless commitment to a cause, an organization, or their teammates” (Kouzes & Posner). Compare this to a traditional leader, whose actions and motivations focus more on driving results and growing the organization.

The great thing about true servant leaders is that they also get results and grow the organization. John Maxwell calls it the Law of Addition, from his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership—leaders add value by serving others.

Now my question to anyone reading this blog is this. 

Can a Safety Professional Become a Successful Servant Leader?

Well, my answer is…………………………… YES!

With everything I’ve learned and keep learning about leadership, I have changed how I approach being a safety professional. I focus on building solid relationships with all people within the organization. I began to focus on this quote by John Maxwell.

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

John’s quote got me thinking about changing my approach to the leadership group and the hourly workforce.

I began focusing on the hourly workforce because they determined the company’s success. To be successful, I should spend a lot of time on the ground and build relationships with all of them. I tell safety professionals that we should spend at least 70% or more (depending on your role) with the workforce. 

With my career in new roles and jobs, I started focusing on the workforce by spending much time on the floor and learning how they work. I focused on six components to generate my servant-leader mindset.

6 Components of How I Became a Servant Leader within My Safety Profession

To develop yourself as a servant leader, consider these six components to embrace your philosophy. 

  1. I Don’t Rely on My Position or Title: I’m grateful for my accomplishments, but I don’t rely on them to build me as a leader. Instead, I work to earn respect by following up on what people have asked for and by serving others to achieve their success. Leadership is not about a title; it’s about your passion for people.
  2. I Believe in People and Their Potential: As a passionate safety professional, I care about people. That is the right thing to do. But there are also practical reasons for believing in people. The more I support people and help them achieve success, the more I serve them, and the more their potential safe activities increase. That creates a secure win for everyone.
  3. I Try to See Things from the Workers’ Perspective: It’s possible to lead and serve others only when you know their behaviors, minds, and desires. Therefore, I intentionally connect with people and try to see from their point of view to serve them better. This creates a situation of helping solve problems and building more confidence in performing their jobs safely.
  4. I Actively Work to Create an Atmosphere of Encouragement: When you are willing to serve people, a culture of cooperation emerges where it’s “one for all and all for one.” That makes the environment positive and develops a sense of value and trust.
  5. I want to Listen and Take Action to Meet their Expectations: I focus on what they say, need, and desire when interacting with others. Listening is much more complicated than talking. I struggle to listen to people because I know all the answers thoroughly. But I’ve learned that I can succeed when I listen and act. With actions, you will gain respect and trust.
  6. I Determine My Success by How Much Value I Add to Others: When you decide to serve others, the team’s safety and success will become your success. I remember when I changed my approach and thought process. It felt like my world immediately expanded, and I began achieving success through the increased safe behaviors and commitments from the workforce.

I believe this is true—The degree to which you serve as a leader will determine your effectiveness.

I have met many safety leaders who exhaust themselves, day and night, looking for ways to get ahead and make it to the top. And to be clear, I don’t see anything wrong with desiring to progress in your career and achieve more success. However, you will only succeed if you focus on others.

John Maxwell says, “You’ve got to love your people more than your position.” That’s what servanthood is all about—putting the needs of your people before your aspirations.

Considering how you can become a person focused on others and not yourself will build your ability to become a servant leader. I am still consistently building servant leadership by working to serve others specifically on what they need and want. Sometimes I get frustrated and struggle with my want to serve them. However, I learned that being a strong, successful leader requires strong influence through your relationships. 

Please consider the six components and make all the necessary changes or improvements to your character. Ultimately, I want all Safety Professionals to become strong Servant Leaders, and we will succeed in reducing risk and preventing injuries!

“The best place for a leader isn’t always the top position. It isn’t the most prominent or powerful place. Instead, it’s where they can serve the best and add the most value to other people.” – John C. Maxwell.

Denis is an Executive Director for the John Maxwell Group and is a certified leadership coach, trainer, keynote speaker, and DISC Behaviorial Consultant. Denis is a senior safety professional and a strong, passionate influential person. He is committed to teaching and communicating practical and relevant influencing techniques.  His unique, passionate, and emotionally driven style resonates with many, creating a desire to become an effective leader. 

You can contact Denis at for information on coaching, leadership, team and culture training, DISC Behavioral consulting, or to be an inspirational speaker at your next event.


I’ll never forget the story my daughter told me one day. She heard this from a speaker in elementary school when she was a teacher. Although the account is likely invalid, it nevertheless paints a picture of what “attitude” is and its impact on people.

“A man finds himself accidentally locked in a refrigerated boxcar. Unable to get out, he uses a knife to etch words and phrases onto the wooden floor, such as….” It’s so cold, my body is numb,” and “I don’t have much longer….” As the hours go by, the man slowly succumbs to death. The next day, the man’s body is discovered.

His written records indicate death due to hypothermia, but the physical evidence shows that the temperature never dropped below 50 degrees. So if it wasn’t hypothermia that caused his death, then what was i

ATTITUDE, plain and simple. He was going to die, and there were no other options.

This story shows how powerful our attitude can be and how it can dramatically alter the outcome of any situation.

 As safety professionals, a big part of what we do involves behavior change. Whether from behavior observation, one-on-one conversations, investigations, or even training. Throughout my career, I’ve noticed companies focus a lot on numbers. I know many safety professionals spend much time reviewing and evaluating statistical results and KPIs. This is important and relevant information, but why are the numbers where they are? The numbers reflect the total workforce behaviors and commitment based on their attitude!

My experience, observations, and research have shown that a person’s attitude determines their behaviors resulting from their actions.

So, what happens when a person’s attitude interferes with and affects their behavior? Can a person’s attitude be changed? It can be. I have long taught that behaviors can be changed and modified through face-to-face interactions and by engaging the workforce in solving problems through expected communication, providing adequate training, and identifying their responsibility and resulting accountability. However, each person truly does control their attitude. It’s their choice.

Webster’s dictionary defines attitude as; “a feeling or a way of thinking that affects a person’s behavior.” Of course, individuals will bring their thoughts, feelings, and ways of thinking with them. But as Safety Professionals, if we can influence people to perform their tasks safely, we can generate a positive attitude.

If we dissect this definition, we discover that a person’s attitude is “the way of Thinking.” So, if I change their “way of thinking,” I can change their attitude and behaviors. If we change their behavior, then we can reduce risk and potential injuries.


In thinking about the work forces’ attitudes and behaviors, one of the biggest focuses has to be your attitude. Attitude is more important than anything else; it is more important than money than your circumstances, failures, or successes. It is more important than your appearance, talent, or skills. YOUR attitude indicates who you are and results in your RISE AND FALL!

I heard Chuck Swindoll say this,

“Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.”

There is a direct correlation between attitude and behavior. As leaders, our most effective approach to success or failure is our attitude. A person’s behavior is genuinely affected by their attitude. A person’s behavior doesn’t dictate their attitude, but their attitude can dictate their behavior.

As a safety professional, YOUR attitude will determine your success or failure and your workforce’s success, loss, and safety. Winston Churchill said,” Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” In addition, YOUR attitude will reflect the behaviors of YOUR workforce because YOUR attitude is contagious to YOUR workforce!

How does attitude affect your work and the safety of your workforce? The first question to ask yourself is, “What is your attitude today?” We all have days where our overall attitude could improve, but how is yours towards your workforce, your boss, or your commitment to the current expectations? Some of us have constant negative and negative attitudes, and some have mixed attitudes.

YOUR negative attitude will lead to carelessness, complacency, taking shortcuts, or even serving as a distraction from a work task. In addition, a negative attitude towards safety will generate unsafe behaviors. The National Safety Council has identified that over 98% of injuries result from dangerous behaviors. So if you have a negative attitude, you will FALL because of the incidents and injuries within your workforce and assigned areas.


To determine your attitude, consider the answers to these three questions and follow the five steps below to improve YOUR attitude.

  • Do you think your attitude negatively or positively affects your workforce?
  • Think about “why” your employee left with a negative perspective.
  • How can I improve my attitude tomorrow?

Our attitude can even contribute to or detract from our achievements. A positive attitude and an overall sense of optimism are building blocks to RISE for success.


  1. IDENTIFY. Ask yourself your attitude and why it is in that condition.
  2. IT’S IN YOUR HEAD. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can do a thing or you can’t, you’re right.” How we think about ourselves, life, work, or other circumstances can drastically affect our attitude.
  3. THAT IS WHAT I DID. My whole mental and physical world crumbled when my mom and dad died recently. First, I told myself their quick deaths reflected my negative attitude toward people. Then, finally, it hit me. I wasn’t just grieving or upset; I was actively choosing to be negative. I had given up responsibility for my actions and surrendered my freedom to choose my way.
  4. TAKING BACK MY CONTROL. After losing my strong leadership approaches and ultimately losing a favorite job, I realized everything could be taken from us. Still, one thing: the freedom to choose MY attitude in any given circumstance determines my opportunity to RISE AND FALL!
  5. BE CONSTANTLY AWARE. It is essential to do a daily self-check. An excellent way to do this is to monitor your thoughts or conversations with others. If you are having more negative conversations than positive ones, it is a good indicator that you must improve your attitude. It is easy for your attitude to tip towards the negative side as stressors pile back on in your personal and professional life. There will always be issues in your life, but it is essential not to let them negatively affect you and ultimately affect your workforce.


Please take responsibility for your attitude, recognizing that it can change how you live and lead. You manage it daily, cultivating and developing positive actions, thoughts, conversations, and habits. You can make your attitude your greatest asset. It can become the difference maker in your success.

I understand this is much information, and some feel this needs to be more work to focus on. However, this was created due to my attitude failure, which has declined my ability to be a successful leader. I will admit it was hard to think through. But I know this information will support a positive change in your attitude and, ultimately, your leadership success. Just remember the choice of YOUR attitude determines……………. YOUR RISE AND FALL!

Denis is an Executive Director for the John Maxwell Group and is a certified leadership coach, trainer, keynote speaker, and DISC Behaviorial Consultant. Denis is a senior safety professional and a strong, passionate influential person. He is committed to teaching and communicating practical and relevant influencing techniques.  His unique, passionate, and emotionally driven style resonates with many, creating a desire to become an effective leader. 

You can contact Denis at for information on coaching, leadership, team and culture training, DISC Behavioral consulting, or to be an inspirational speaker at your next event.


I recently quit a job. No, I didn’t quit the job; the job quit me. For years, I never really understood why I left so many jobs. During my most recent departure, I struggled to understand why I left. I was making an excellent salary, so why would I leave? I started thinking about the “why” and asking myself many questions. After spending a lot of time researching my answers and determining which ones I could drive a long career with my next role, I identified these three questions that helped me recover and consider making the next right decision.

Who can help me? 

“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors, they succeed.” Additionally, there’s another principle that is helpful to keep in mind. “Your network often determines your net worth.” The adage is true – who you know is often more important than what you know. Therefore, meeting people and asking for their advice is one of the best strategies you can implement while thinking of leaving a job, feeling the potential to lose your job, or even considering a career change. I have asked many people – “What would you do if you were me?”  The answers were all very up and down, so I often moved to make my own decision.

What is my most significant risk?

Often, losing or leaving your job or considering a career change will create a significant risk of losing money, followed closely by insurance, retirement, or family needs. This NEVER entered my head. I also felt I was making more money and getting significant responsibilities. However, the lack of clarity is an important breeding ground for fear. It’s why I know so many people hang on to their certainty while allowing their souls to be crushed at a job they hate. The first step is to identify the risk reality. For me, money was the big issue. Instead, I needed to be more transparent about the company’s culture, what they did wrong, identify their strengths, or what role my dream job was. All of this is under the banner of reducing and managing the risk of our careers.

Am I moving toward something or away from something?

I know many people who will return to a job they left because they were running from something versus moving to a new, compelling vision. I have done that also. However, when they discover problems in the new job, they often return to familiar, even dysfunctional, roles. I found the way to distinguish between the two is by thinking about which emotion you’re experiencing more: frustration or excitement. Are you more frustrated over your current situation?

Or are you more excited about the potential of what’s next? This takes some honest self-reflection, but whatever you find, the best next step is to keep moving. So how can you reduce the frustration and ramp up the excitement? Do your research and prepare for the next chapter. We all are in a branch of our novel. Preparing for that next chapter is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

Take a step forward by answering these three questions. It will strongly influence you to consider what is right and achieve A successful effort ahead.


Leaders lead people, and managers manage things. Why? Because leading people determine the outcome. 

Leadership boundaries. What are they, and why do leaders need to have boundaries? Several aspects of a leader’s behavior make everything work, one of which is his or her “boundaries.” A boundary is a structure that determines what will exist and what will not…The leaders determine what will exist and what will not. 

I have struggled with this information and have always taught and communicated that leaders should NEVER set boundaries. I have always believed that leaders must expand their influence, expectations, and requirements. However, I recently engaged in a conversation about leadership boundaries with a group of leading experts. Through the discussions (I listened a lot more than I talked), I realized that highly successful leaders must set boundaries. I learned that boundaries would set limits, expectations, and standards and increase your influence.

What do leader boundaries look like at work? In my research and review of a book executive summary from “Boundaries for Leaders” written by Dr. Henry Cloud, I agree with his two most essential boundaries;

  • what you create 
  • what you allow

Let me share my interpretation of each boundary.

What you create

I consider a boundary as someone taking a stick and creating a line. It defines what our leadership is committed to and how it begins and ends. Think about this…….If you have people crossing the line, they support you based on your boundaries through your influential ways. 

Leaders create visions and strategic plans. Goals and objectives are built to support the vision, techniques, and strategies. Your team is invited to achieve their expected accomplishments when fully communicated successfully. Success is achieved through behaviors, interactions, and activities. 

What you allow

We all know leaders build the culture and allow the desired culture to exist. I’ve learned in my career that we all own the outcome. Dr. Henry Cloud stated, “the leaders’ boundaries define and shape what will be and what isn’t.” 

Our boundaries are personal and professional. What we allow ourselves to do and how we respond and react determines the outcome. In addition, the boundaries we set with our team will initially assess their commitment and if the goals and objectives are met.

What are the Results

By applying essential boundaries for leaders, we ensure certain things happen, prevent other things from happening, and keep it all going in the right direction. Leaders are a positive force for good and an opposing force against bad. You know what they are for and what they are against.

Boundary Quotes

“I set boundaries, not to offend but to respect myself”- Unknown

“Boundary setting helps you prioritize your needs over people’s wants” – Loren Kensen

“Opportunities become threats when we don’t have boundaries” – Dr. Henry Cloud

“A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect” – Unknown

“The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries, are the ones who benefitted from having none” – Unknown

Denis is an Executive Director for the John Maxwell Group and is a certified leadership coach, trainer, keynote speaker, and DISC Behaviorial Consultant. Denis is a senior safety professional and a strong, passionate influential person. He is committed to teaching and communicating practical and relevant influencing techniques.  His unique, passionate, and emotionally driven style resonates with many, creating a desire to become an effective leader. 

You can contact Denis at for information on coaching, leadership, team and culture training, DISC Behavioral consulting, or to be an inspirational speaker at your next event.


I recently interacted with a group of leaders. As I spent time with everyone individually, I identified several leadership malfunctions. The one thing that stood out the most was that the beliefs they cling to need to be updated, creating limited growth potential for their team. 

I witnessed a consistent lack of leadership from the HIGHEST level down to the lowest leader. In seeing this, I realized the company focused on something other than leadership but instead on the production outcome. The culture focuses on production rather than building trust and confidence with the workforce.

Here are the four most experienced leadership beliefs that I determined created the lack of a successful leader.

1. Leaders don’t do work

They don’t sweat; they want you to sweat and get dirty and accomplish their desired goals for their success! Today’s leadership reality is the need for hands-on engagement to create trust, respect, and performance. I saw a large part of the workforce with suspicion of leaders and the loss of care.

But leaders must be seen as authentic.

2. It’s lonely at the top

Is perception different from reality? And, more importantly, what does it say about our leadership styles? The image that comes to mind when thinking of this classic leadership belief is the isolated leader.

If this is what you believe, it is time for a change. It can be either installing a new, updated leader or you focusing on personal growth and becoming a successful modernized leader. 

I witnessed several leaders living in their offices with doors closed and not attending meetings, training, or even departmental lunches. Leaders shouldn’t sit in detached isolation at the top of the organizational chart. Instead, they must immerse themselves in the organization’s culture and people.

3. It’s not what you know. It’s whom you know

The idea was that leadership development was not the result of personal growth as much as it was a byproduct of having privileged access to the ‘who’s who.”

When you consider this concept vs. today’s leadership style, it is truly laughable! I worked in the prison system back in the day, where you were promoted or given the best job based on whom you knew and their role. 

In my time with this organization, I quickly found that if you were the most influential person in a task or department but were not in a tight relationship with the head leader, you were likely not going to get the right job or play the proper role. But, if you and the leader were friends, you were promoted and given the ability to do everything the way you wanted. I had several conversations with people who informed me that many people in specific roles came and went how they wanted.  

True, leaders must always broaden their relational world, but this is to the benefit of others, not for self-advancement.

Leaders are not required to make friends, but their role is to build respect and trust.

4. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Yes, there has always been a thought that leaders will hit the ceiling and need help to improve or change their leadership style.  

We all say we want to change but struggle to embrace change. By doing that, we choose to unlearn. The challenge of unlearning is letting go of old ways of thinking about ourselves, others, and how things get done.

But look around today. You’ll quickly see that no matter the age, influential leaders keep learning.

Leaders must continue their personal development. And one of the most important ways to ensure such growth is to strip away outdated leadership beliefs.

So, take a moment to consider whether these limit your leadership.

Because……….. What You Believe Will Determine the Leader You Become!

Denis is an Executive Director for the John Maxwell Group and is a certified leadership coach, trainer, keynote speaker, and DISC Behaviorial Consultant. Denis is a senior safety professional and a strong, passionate influential person. He is committed to teaching and communicating practical and relevant influencing techniques.  His unique, passionate, and emotionally driven style resonates with many, creating a desire to become an effective leader. 

You can contact Denis at for information on coaching, leadership, team and culture training, DISC Behavioral consulting, or to be an inspirational speaker at your next event.

Can I Successfully Do This?

Every leader lurks a daunting question that hurls a shadow over every significant challenge:

Can I successfully do this?

When I went to take the test for my driver’s license… When I went to work for the prison system… When I proposed to my wife… When my daughter arrived… and every new job I took, I subconsciously thought of this question….. Can I Successfully Do This?

But then, the next question is…..Or Am I destined for failure? Well, my personality falls forward to the answer to this question: ” I can succeed in everything.” Unfortunately, that has driven me to many disappointments and frustrations.

However, we must understand that almost everything that goes through our head attaches to our brain and then determines our decisions. 

We sometimes sabotage by shirking responsibility and self-medicating through addictive behavior – drugs, alcohol, gaming, etc. Others go numb, becoming “yes” men to the tyranny of mediocrity.

For those who have already made the tragic choice of shutting down and checking out, you need to realize your decisions and rethink the successful way forward.

For those still wrestling with the decision, take a step back and rethink the outcome of your choices.

As I coach or interact with leaders, I hear it in their voices and see it in their eyes and body language. People are constantly thinking Can I Successfully Do This?

YOU Can!

Let me drop in a few reasons why you are, indeed, up to the tasks you are qualified and capable of completing and can be successful.

You were MADE to DO this

What you have achieved or have been successful with in the past means you took advantage of your schooling, training, mentorship, and experience to achieve success. 

Everything we do offers challenges. And while we sometimes fail, we’re still designed to take on the challenges adequately. 

You’ve been equipped for this.

You have natural talents as well as trained abilities. It’s not that you’re superhuman. Instead, you’re a human who manages the opportunity within the hands of your past success.

You have people

You don’t have to do this alone. Some people will help you succeed. 

Maybe you’ve been let down by them, but don’t give up. These people, imperfect as they may be, are made to complement an imperfect you!

You also have people that you can help succeed. But, again, this is a requirement for all successful leaders. Remember, not everything is about you; it is about everyone!


Every company and organization suffers from a shortage of courageous, confident, and successful leaders. Instead, many have emphasized humility which creates false confidence for pride. But as we reveal that our thoughts, actions, and team are always working in us, around us, and through us to accomplish our success.

When you remain dependent and surrendered, you remain an unstoppable force for the SUCCESS OF EVERYTHING YOU ACCOMPLISH!

Yes, YOU Can Successfully Do This!!

Denis is an Executive Director for the John Maxwell Group and is a certified leadership coach, trainer, keynote speaker, and DISC Behaviorial Consultant. Denis is a senior safety professional and a strong, passionate influential person. He is committed to teaching and communicating practical and relevant influencing techniques.  His unique, passionate, and emotionally driven style resonates with many, creating a desire to become an effective leader. 

You can contact Denis at for information on coaching, leadership, team and culture training, DISC Behavioral consulting, or to be an inspirational speaker at your next event.

The 5 Actions I have Seen Ted Lasso Do to Create Strong Leadership

Be careful – there are spoilers ahead if you are watching the series.

My wife gets annoyed when I watch TV shows or movies because I tend to write a lot down and think of ways to manage the content into leadership training or a bit of informative information. For example, one of my favorite TV series shows is Ted Lasso(AppleTV). In watching the show, I have identified many things Ted does or how he acts and reacts to the situation in his crazy job position that influences people.

Probably my biggest hobby is writing about leadership. I focus on things I struggle with or how I see others struggle in their approach to leading others. So I use Ted Lasso as a cheat sheet to develop information on becoming a good leader.

Just an FYI, I am referring to the show names, not real names.

If you’re looking for examples of how leaders behave—or should behave—Ted Lasso is perfect. Here are five actions I have identified where Mr. Lasso and his partners remind us of the way leaders should act:


This is something I sometimes struggle with. In a game of darts, Ted Lasso faces off against his boss’s ex-husband, billionaire Rupert Mannion. Mr. Mannion lost ownership of his beloved soccer club, Richmond AFC, in a divorce settlement with his ex-wife, Rebecca Welton. The billionaire challenges Ted to a game of darts and decides to wager. Here is how it goes, If Mannion wins, he can pick the player lineups for the season’s last two games. If Ted wins, Mannion is banned from the owner’s box, giving Ted’s boss relief from his harassment. While throwing the darts, Ted refers to a Walt Whitman quote, “Be curious, not judgmental.” He did this to explain why curiosity is more effective than closed-minded judgments. Had Mannion asked a question, such as, “Have you played many darts?” he would have learned that Lasso was a Dart ace.


Jamie Tartt, Richmond AFC’s star striker, is on loan to Richmond AFC from another club. Tartt is a ball hog on the field. He refuses to pass to other players, even when they have a better shot. He is a relentless narcissist who bullies and taunts his teammates off the field. Because of his lousy behavior, Ted decides to bench during the first half of an important game. I know you are thinking of the high risk of loss that now exists. However, with their coach’s encouragement, the team adapts and pulls out a win. When team members don’t follow the rules or meet expectations, even if they’re rock-star performers, it’s time for a change. Of course, these moves can result in negative consequences. However, they also result in inv higher employee morale.


Welton hired Ted Lasso, who had no soccer experience. Instead, he coached American football for a small college. She wanted the club to fail and make her ex-husband unhappy. But Ted Lasso’s wisdom, optimism, and commitment to changing everyone he meets softens hearts and wins over many of his critics. Throughout the season, Welton realizes how she has been changed. Finally, she confesses to Ted that she set him up to fail and apologizes. Ted Lasso forgives her, creating a more profound friendship and commitment to improving the team.


Belief is a single word emblazoned on a yellow sign hung with duct tape over the coaches’ office. These words show the power of belief in oneself, the team, belief in ideals, and belief in the team’s goals. Belief doesn’t have to be perfect—it just has to exist.


I’ve noticed in many episodes is that “kindness ” is a potent tool. Good things exist when we are kind and respectful to employees. Even when we need to hold them accountable, we must respect them and influence the change. The brutal soccer legend, Roy Kent, had a great way of influencing others through his commitment and kindness to the team players. Suppose you focus on Lesley Higgins and recognize his commitment to his family and the team. In that case, you will recognize his robust approach to handling different conversations and situations in a kind and effective manner. You should also look at Coach Beard, Lasso’s assistant coach, and watch how he successfully manages the value of wise and steadfast friends.

Denis is an Executive Director for the John Maxwell Group and is a certified leadership coach, trainer, keynote speaker, and DISC Behaviorial Consultant. Denis is a senior safety professional and a strong, passionate influential person. He is committed to teaching and communicating practical and relevant influencing techniques.  His unique, passionate, and emotionally driven style resonates with many, creating a desire to become an effective leader. 

You can contact Denis at for information on coaching, leadership, team and culture training, DISC Behavioral consulting, or to be an inspirational speaker at your next event.